Monday, December 29, 2014

Can A Background Process Impact A Foreground Process And Its Database Time?

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Thanks, Craig.

Can A Background Process Impact A Foreground Process And Its Database Time?

Have you ever heard someone say, "Background processes do not impact foreground processes because they run in the background and in parallel with foreground processes." I've heard this hundreds of times!

While doing some performance research I came across a great example of how an Oracle Database background process can directly and significantly impact a foreground process.

The above quote represents a masterfully constructed lie; it contains both a lie and a truth. The mix of a truth and a lie make understanding the reality of the situation difficult. In this post, I'll explain the truth, delve into the lie and relate it all to foreground process database time.

By the way, I am in no way saying there is something wrong with or incorrect about DB Time. I want to ensure this is clear from the very beginning of this post.

Just so there is no confusion, an Oracle foreground process is sometimes also called a server process or a shadow process. These can terms can be used interchangeably in this post.

The Truth

Clearly background and foreground processes operate in parallel. I don't think any DBA would deny this. As I frequently say, "serialization is death and parallelism is life!" A simple "ps" command will visually show both Oracle background and foreground processes at work. But this in no way implies they do not impact each other's activity and performance.

In fact, we hope they do impact each other! Can you imagine what performance would be with the background processes NOT running in parallel?! What a performance nightmare that would be. But this where the "no impact" lie lives.

The Lie

Most senior DBAs can point to a specific situation where Oracle cache buffer chain latch contention affected multiple foreground sessions. In this situation, foreground sessions were franticly trying to acquire a popular cache buffer chain latch. But this is a foreground session versus foreground session situation. While this is example is important, this post is about when a background process impacts a foreground process.

Have you every committed a transaction and it hangs while the foreground process is waiting on "log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)" or even worse "log file switch (archiving needed)" event? All the foreground process knows is that its statement can't finish because a required log switch has not occurred because a checkpoint is incomplete. What the server process does not know is the checkpoint (CKPT), the database writer (DBWR) and the log writer (LGWR) background processes are involved. There is a good chance the database writer is frantically writing dirty buffers to the database (dbf) files so the LGWR can safely overwrite the associated redo in the next online redo log.

For example, if a server process issued a commit during the checkpoint, it will wait until the checkpoint is complete and the log writer has switched and can write into the next redo log. So, while the log writer background processes is probably waiting on "log file parallel write" and the database writer is burning CPU and waiting on "db file parallel write", the foreground processes are effectively hung.

This is a classic example of how a background process can impact the performance of a foreground process.

A Demonstration Of The Lie

Here's a quick demonstration of the above situation. On an existing database in my lab, I created two 4MB redo logs and dropped all the other redo logs. I started a DML intensive workload. According to the alert.log file, the redo logs where switching every couple of seconds! Take a look at this:
$ tail -f /home/oracle/base/diag/rdbms/prod30/prod30/trace/alert*log
Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 2365
Checkpoint not complete
  Current log# 4 seq# 2364 mem# 0: /home/oradata/prod30/redoA1.log
Mon Dec 29 11:02:09 2014
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 2365 (LGWR switch)
  Current log# 5 seq# 2365 mem# 0: /home/oradata/prod30/redoA2.log
Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 2366
Checkpoint not complete
  Current log# 5 seq# 2365 mem# 0: /home/oradata/prod30/redoA2.log
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 2366 (LGWR switch)
  Current log# 4 seq# 2366 mem# 0: /home/oradata/prod30/redoA1.log
Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 2367
Checkpoint not complete
  Current log# 4 seq# 2366 mem# 0: /home/oradata/prod30/redoA1.log
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 2367 (LGWR switch)
  Current log# 5 seq# 2367 mem# 0: /home/oradata/prod30/redoA2.log
Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 2368
Checkpoint not complete
  Current log# 5 seq# 2367 mem# 0: /home/oradata/prod30/redoA2.log
Mon Dec 29 11:02:20 2014

Obviously not what you want to see on a production Oracle system! (But my guess many of you have.)

Using my OSM realtime session sampler tool (rss.sql - related blog posting HERE) I sampled the log writer every half a second. (There is only one log writer background process because this is an Oracle 11g database, not an Oracle Database 12c system.) If the log writer session showed up in v$session as an active session, it would be picked up by rss.sql.  Both "ON CPU" and "WAIT" states are collected. Here is a sample of the output.

It's very obvious the log writer is doing some writing. But we can't tell from the above output if the process is impacting other sessions. It would have also been very interesting to sample the database writer also, but I didn't do that. To determine if the background processes are impacting other sessions, I needed to find a foreground session that was doing some commits. I noticed that session 133, a foreground process was busy doing some DML and committing as it processed its work. Just as with the log writer background process, I sampled this foreground process once every 0.5 second. Here's a sample of the output.

Wow. The foreground process is waiting a lot for the current checkpoint to be completed! So... this means the foreground process is being effectively halted until the background processes involved with the checkpoint have finished their work.

This is a great example of how Oracle background processes can impact the performance of an Oracle foreground process.

But let's be clear. Without the background processes, performance would be even worse. Why? Because all that work done in parallel and in the background would have to be done by each foreground process AND all that work would have to be closely controlled and coordinated. And that, would be a performance nightmare!

DB Time Impact On The Foreground Process

Just for the fun of it, I wrote a script to investigate DB Time, CPU consumption, non-idle wait time and the wait time for the "log file switch wait (checkpoint incomplete)" wait event for the foreground process mentioned above (session 133). The script simply gathers some session details, sleeps for 120 seconds, again gathers some session details, calculates the differences and displays the results. You can download the script HERE. Below is the output for the foreground process, session 133.
SQL> @ckpttest.sql 133

Table dropped.

Table created.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

----------- ----------- --------------- -----------------
      2.362      117.71      119.973692            112.42

1 row selected.

Here is a quick description of the output columns.

  • CPU_S_DELTA is the CPU seconds consumed by session 133, which is the time model statistic DB CPU.
  • NIW_S_DELTA is the non-idle wait time for session 133, in seconds.
  • DB_TIME_S_DELTA is the DB Time statistic for session 133, which is the time model statistic DB Time.
  • CHECK_IMPL_WAIT_S is the wait time only for event "log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)" for session 133, in seconds.

Does the time fit together as we expect? The "log file switch..." wait time is part of the non-idle wait time. The DB Time total is very close to the CPU time plus the non-idle wait time. Everything seems to add up nicely.

To summarize: Oracle background processes directly impacted the database time for a foreground process.

In Conclusion...

First, for sure Oracle foreground and background processes impact each design for increased performance. Sometimes on real production Oracle Database systems things get messy and work that we hoped would be done in parallel must become momentarily serialized. The log file switch example above, is an example of this.

Second, the next time someone tells you that an Oracle background process does not impact the performance of a foreground process, ask them if they have experienced a "log file switch checkpoint incomplete" situation. Pause until they say, "Yes." Then just look at them and don't say a word. After a few seconds you may see a "oh... I get it." look on their face. But if not, simply point them to this post.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your work!


Monday, December 22, 2014

Is Oracle Database Time Correct? Something Is Not Quite Right.

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Thanks, Craig.

Is Oracle Database Time Correct? Something Is Not Quite Right.

Oracle Database tuning and performance analysis is usually based on time. As I blogged HERE, the Oracle "database time" statistic is more interesting than simply "time spent in the database." It is the sum of CPU consumption and non-idle wait time. And Elapsed Time is the sum of all the database time related to perhaps a session or a SQL statement execution. However...

If you do the fundamental math, you'll notice the numbers don't always add up. In fact, they rarely match. In this posting, I want to demonstrate this mismatch and I want you to see this on your systems!

I'll include experimental data from a number of different systems, the statistical analysis (including pictures) and provide a tool you can download for free from to check out the situation on your systems.

Checking DB Time Math

DB Time is defined as "time spent in the database." This is the sum of Oracle process CPU consumption plus non-idle wait time. Usually we don't derive DB Time. The Time Model Statistics view v$sys_time_mode contains the DB Time statistic. But this view also contains the DB CPU statistic. Since there is no sum of non-idle wait time, most people just assume everything is fine.

However, if you run the simple query below on your system, it could look something this:
SQL> l
  1  select db_time_s, db_cpu_s, tot_ni_wt_s
  2  from (select value/1000000 db_time_s from v$sys_time_model where stat_name = 'DB time' ),
  3   (select value/1000000 db_cpu_s from v$sys_time_model where stat_name = 'DB CPU' ),
  4*  (select sum(TIME_WAITED_MICRO_FG)/1000000 tot_ni_wt_s from v$system_event where wait_class != 'Idle' )
SQL> /

---------- ---------- -----------
330165.527 231403.925  119942.952

1 row selected.
If you add up the DB CPU and the total non-idle wait time, the value is 351,346.877. Woops! 351K does not equal 330K. What happened on my Oracle Database 12c ( As I have demonstrated in this POSTING (which contains videos of this) and in my online seminar training HERE, many times DB Time does nearly equal DB CPU plus the non-idle wait time. But clearly in the above situation something does not seem quite right.

Checking DB Time On Your Systems

To demonstrate the possibility of a DB Time mismatch, I created a simple plsql tool. You can download this free tool or do an search for "db time tool". The tool, which is easily configurable, takes a number of samples over a period of time and displays the output.

Here is an example of the output.

OraPub DB Time Test v1a 26-Sep-2014. Enjoy but use at your own risk.
Starting to collect 11 180 second samples now...
All displayed times are in seconds.
anonymer Block abgeschlossen
... RAW OUTPUT (keep the output for your records and analysis)
sample#,  db_time_delta_v ,  db_cpu_delta_v,  tot_ni_wait_delta_v, derived_db_time_delta_v, diff_v, diff_pct_v
1, 128,4, 128,254, ,103, 128,357266, ,043, 0
2, 22,014, 3,883, 17,731, 21,614215, ,399, 1,8
3, 1,625, 1,251, ,003, 1,253703, ,371, 22,8
4, 13,967, 12,719, 1,476, 14,194999, -,228, -1,6
5, 41,086, 41,259, ,228, 41,486482, -,4, -1
6, 36,872, 36,466, ,127, 36,593884, ,278, ,8
7, 38,545, 38,71, ,137, 38,847459, -,303, -,8
8, 37,264, 37,341, ,122, 37,463525, -,199, -,5
9, 22,818, 22,866, ,102, 22,967141, -,149, -,7
10, 30,985, 30,614, ,109, 30,723831, ,261, ,8
11, 5,795, 5,445, ,513, 5,958586, -,164, -2,8
The test is complete.
All displayed times are in seconds.

The output is formatted to make it easy to statistically analyze. The far right column is percent difference between the reported DB Time and the calculated DB Time. In the above example, they are pretty close. Get the tool and try it out on your systems.

Some Actual Examples

I want to quickly show you four examples from a variety of systems. You can download all the data in the "analysis pack" HERE. The data, for each of the four systems, contains the raw DB Time Test output (like in the section above), the statistical numeric analysis output from the statistical package "R", the actual "R" script and the visual analysis using "smooth histograms" also created using "R."

Below is the statistical numeric summary:

About the columns: Only the "craig" system is mine and other are real production or DEV/QA systems. The statistical columns all reference the far right column of the DB Time Test Tool's output, which is the percent difference between the reported DB Time and the calculated DB Time. Each sample set consists of eleven 180 second samples. The P-Value greater than 0.05 means the reported and calculated DB Time differences are normally distributed. This is not important in this analysis, but gives me clues if there is a problem with the data collection.

As you can easily see, two of the system's "DB Times" difference is greater than 10% and one of them was over 20%. The data collected shows that something is not quite right... but that's about it.

What Does This Mean In Our Work?

Clearly something is not quite right. There are a number of possible reasons and this will be focus of my next few articles.

However, I want to say that even though the numbers don't match perfectly and sometimes they are way off, this does not negate the value of a time based analysis. Remember, we not trying to land a man on the moon. We try diagnosing performance to derive solutions that (usually) aim to reduce the database time. I suspect that in all four cases I show, we would not be misled.

But this does highlight the requirement to also analysis performance from a non-Oracle database centric perspective. I always look at the performance situation from an operating system perspective, an Oracle centric perspective and an application (think: SQL, processes, user experience, etc.) perspective. This "3 Circle" analysis will reduce the likelihood of making a tuning diagnosis mistake. So in case DB Time is completely messed up, by diagnosing performance from the other two "circles" you will know something is not right.

If you want to learn more about my "3-Circle" analysis, here are two resources:
  1. Paper. Total Performance Management. Do an OraPub search for "3 circle" and you'll find it.
  2. Online Seminar: Tuning Oracle Using An AWR Report. I go DEEP into an Oracle Time Based Analysis but keeping it day-to-day production system practical.
In my next few articles I will drill down into why there can be a "DB Time mismatch," what to do about it and how to use this knowledge to our advantage.

Enjoy your work! There is nothing quite like analyzing performance and tuning Oracle database systems!!


Monday, December 8, 2014

Changing The Number Of Oracle Database 12c Log Writers

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Thanks, Craig.

Changing The Number Of Oracle Database 12c Log Writers

In an Oracle Database 12c instance you will likely see multiple log writer (LGWR) background processes. When you first start the Oracle instance you will likely see a parent and two redo workers. This is a very big deal and something many of us have been waiting for - for many years!

While I'm excited about the change, if I can't control the number of LGWRs I could easily find myself once again constrained by the lack of LGWRs!

So, my question is how do I manipulate the number of LGWRs from the default. And what is the default based on? It's these types of questions that led me on this quest. I hope you enjoy the read!

Serialization Is Death

Multiple LGWRs is great news because serialization is death to computing performance. Think of it like this. A computer program is essentially lines of code and each line of code takes a little bit of time to execute. A CPU can only process N lines of code per second. This means every serial executing program has a maximum through capability. With a single log writer (LGWR) background process the amount of redo that can be processed is similarly constrained.

An Example Of Serialization Throughput Limitation

Suppose a CPU can process 1000 instructions per millisecond. Also, assume through some research a DBA determined it takes the LGWR 10 instructions to process 10 KB of redo. (I know DBAs who have taken the time to figure this stuff out.) Given these two pieces of data, how many KB of redo can the CPU theoretically process per second?

? KB of redo/sec = (1000 inst / 1 ms)*(10 KB redo / 10 instr)*(1000 ms / 1 sec)* (1 MB / 1000 KB) = 1000 KB redo/sec

This is a best case scenario. As you can see, any sequential process can become a bottleneck. One solution to this problem is to parallelize.

Note: Back in April of 2010 I posted a series of articles about parallelism. If you are interested in this topic, I highly recommend you READ THE POSTS.

Very Cool! Multiple 12c LGWRs... But Still A Limit?

Since serialization is death... and parallelism is life, I was really excited when I saw on my 12c Oracle instance by default it had two redo workers in addition to the "parent" log writer. On my Oracle version Linux machine this is what I see:
$ ps -eaf|grep prod40 | grep ora_lg
oracle   54964     1  0 14:37 ?        00:00:00 ora_lgwr_prod40
oracle   54968     1  0 14:37 ?        00:00:00 ora_lg00_prod40
oracle   54972     1  0 14:37 ?        00:00:00 ora_lg01_prod40

This is important. While this is good news, unless Oracle or I have the ability to change and increase the number of LGWR redo workers, at some point the two redo workers, will become saturated bringing us back to the same serial LGWR process situation. So, I want and need some control.

Going Back To Only One LGWR

Interestingly, starting in Oracle Database version there is an instance parameter _use_single_log_writer. I was able to REDUCE the number LGWRs to only one by setting the instance parameter _use_single_log_writer=TRUE. But that's the wrong direction I want to go!

More Redo Workers: "CPU" Instance Parameters

I tried a variety of CPU related instance parameters with no success. Always two redo workers.

More Redo Workers: Set Event...

Using my OSM script listeventcodes.sql I scanned the Oracle events (not wait events) but was unable to find any related Oracle events. Bummer...

More Redo Workers: More Physical CPUs Needed?

While talking to some DBAs about this, one of them mentioned they heard Oracle sets the number of 12c log writers is based on the number of physical CPUs. Not the number CPU cores but the number of physical CPUs. On a Solaris box with 2 physical CPUs (verified using the command, psrinfo -pv) upon startup there was still on two redo workers.

$ psrinfo -p
$ psrinfo -pv
The physical processor has 1 virtual processor (0)
  UltraSPARC-III (portid 0 impl 0x14 ver 0x3e clock 900 MHz)
The physical processor has 1 virtual processor (1)
  UltraSPARC-III (portid 1 impl 0x14 ver 0x3e clock 900 MHz)

More Redo Workers: Adaptive Behavior?

Looking closely at the Solaris LGWR trace file I repeatedly saw this:

Created 2 redo writer workers (2 groups of 1 each)
kcrfw_slave_adaptive_updatemode: scalable->single group0=375 all=384 delay=144 r

*** 2014-12-08 11:33:39.201
Adaptive scalable LGWR disabling workers
kcrfw_slave_adaptive_updatemode: single->scalable redorate=562 switch=23

*** 2014-12-08 15:54:10.972
Adaptive scalable LGWR enabling workers
kcrfw_slave_adaptive_updatemode: scalable->single group0=1377 all=1408 delay=113

*** 2014-12-08 22:01:42.176
Adaptive scalable LGWR disabling workers

It looks to me like Oracle has programed in some sweeeeet logic to adapt the numbers of redo workers based the redo load.

So I created six Oracle sessions that simply inserted rows into a table and ran all six at the same time. But it made no difference in the number of redo workers. No increase or decrease or anything! I let this dml load run for around five minutes. Perhaps that wasn't long enough, the load was not what Oracle was looking for or something else. But the number of redo workers always remained at two.

Summary & Conclusions

It appears at instance startup the default number of Oracle Database 12c redo workers is two. It also appears that Oracle has either already built or is building the ability for Oracle to adapt to changing redo activity by enabling and disabling redo workers. Perhaps the number of physical CPUs (not CPU cores but physical CPUs) plays a part in this algorithm.

While this was not my research objective, I did discover a way to set the number of redo workers back to the traditional single LGWR background process.

While I enjoyed doing the research for this article, it was disappointing that I was unable to influence Oracle to increase the number of redo workers. I sure hope Oracle either gives me control or the adaptive behavior actually works. If not, two redo workers won't be enough for many Oracle systems.

All the best in your Oracle performance endeavors!


Monday, December 1, 2014

The Perfect Gift For The Oracle DBA: Top 5 DBA T-Shirts

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Thanks, Craig.

The Perfect Gift For The Oracle DBA: Top 5 DBA T-Shirts

It's that time of year again and I can already hear it, "Dad, what do you want for Christmas?" This year I'm taking action. Like forecasting Oracle performance, I'm taking proactive action.

Like most of you reading this, you have a, let's say, unique sense of humor. I stumbled across the ultimate geek website that has an astonishing variety of t-shirts aimed at those rare individuals like us that get a rush in understanding the meaning of an otherwise cryptic message on a t-shirt.

I picked my Top 5 DBA Geek T-Shirts based on the challenges, conflicts and joys of being an Oracle DBA. With each t-shirt I saw, a story came to mind almost immediately. I suspect you will have a similar experience that rings strangely true.

So here they are—the Top 5 T-Shirts For The Oracle DBA:

Number 5: Change Your Password

According to Slash Data the top password is now "Password".  I guess the upper-case "P" makes people feel secure, especially since last years top password was "123456" and EVERYBODY knows thats a stupid password. Thanks to new and improved password requirements, the next most popular password is "12345678". Scary but not surprising.

As Oracle Database Administrators and those who listened to Troy Ligon's presentation last years IOUG conference presentation, passwords are clearly not safe. ANY passwords. Hopefully in the coming years, passwords will be a thing of the past.

Number 4: Show Your Work

Part of my job as a teacher and consultant is to stop behavior like this: I ask a DBA, "I want to understand why you want to make this change to improve performance." And the reply is something like one of these:

  1. Because it has worked on our other systems.
  2. I did a Google search and an expert recommended this.
  3. Because the box is out of CPU power, there is latching issues, so increasing spin_count will help.
  4. Because we have got to do something and quick!

I teach Oracle DBAs to think from the user experience to the CPU cycles developing a chain of cause and effect. If we can understand the cause and effect relationships, perhaps we can disrupt poor performance and turn it to our favor. "Showing your work" and actually writing it down can be really helpful.

Number 3: You Read My T-Shirt

Why do managers and users think their presence in close proximity to mine will improve performance or perhaps increase my productivity? Is that what they learn in Hawaii during "end user training"?

What's worse is when a user or manager wants to talk about it...while I'm obviously in concentrating on a serious problem.

Perhaps if I wear this t-shirt, stand up, turn around and remain silent they will stop talking and get the point. We can only hope.

Number 2: I'm Here Because You Broke Something

Obnoxious but true. Why do users wonder why performance is "slow" when they do a blind query returning ten-million rows and then scroll down looking for the one row they are interested in.... Wow. The problem isn't always the technology... but you know that already.

Hint to Developers: Don't let users do a drop down or a lookup that returns millions or even thousands or even hundreds of rows... Please for the love of performance optimization!

Number 1 (drum roll): Stand Back! I'm Going To Try SCIENCE

One of my goals in optimizing Oracle Database performance is to be quantitative. And whenever possible, repeatable. Add some basic statistics and you've got science. But stand back because, as my family tells me, it does get a little strange sometimes.

But seriously, being a "Quantitative Oracle Performance Analyst" is always my goal because my work is quantifiable, reference-able and sets me up for advanced analysis.

So there you go! Five t-shirts for the serious and sometimes strange Oracle DBA. Not only will these t-shirts prove and reinforce your geeky reputation, but you'll get a small yet satisfying feeling your job is special...though a little strange at times.

All the best in your Oracle performance endeavors!
